St. Leon Armenian Church
Սրբոց Ղեւոնդեանց Հայոց Եկեղեցի
Fair Lawn, New Jersey

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Sunday Bulletins
Recipes & Recollections

Sunday Bulletin is published and distributed to the participants in the Divine Liturgy, Badarak, every Sunday. It contains scripture readings of the day, a list of people who need our prayers, Hokehankisd requests, announcements of parish activities, and a calendar of events, details concerning Sunday services, upcoming major events, and news of interest to the Armenian community. Entries to the Bulletin should be submitted to the Church Office the Wednesday prior to Sunday.

St. Leon Armenian Church
12-61 Saddle River Road ♦ Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: 201-791-2862 Fax: 201-791-1329 Email: