St. Leon Armenian Church
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Fair Lawn, New Jersey

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Welcome to St. Leon ACYOA Juniors!



2022-2023 Online Membership Form

Scroll to the bottom of the page for the Calendar of Events

Special Announcements

Please follow our Instagram, Snapchat & Twitter accounts for frequent event updates and reminders, pictures, dates, & much more!!   **@StLeonACYOA_Jrs** 




click the link below for photos!


 Executive Board

Vice Chair: 
 Corresponding Secretary: 
Recording Secretary: 
Public Relations Chair: 
Event Coordinator:  

 Nina Buchakjian
  Areni Hartounian
  Aram Nishanian
 Alex Yilanjian
 Lenna Kasaryan
 Lauren Kedersha
 Arin Atlihan


Message From Our Pastor:

If you are between the ages of 13-18, you are invited to join our group. There are many fun-filled activities planned throughout the year, as well as thought-provoking discussions at our meetings. Please contact the Church at (201) 791-2862.  You can also reach the current chairperson of the ACYOA Jrs., at .



The Emblem of the ACYOA and its Symbolic Meaning:

The emblem of the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America, adopted at its inception, is to be interpreted as follows:

 The radiations from the center of the cross symbolize the truths of the Christian religion that shine forth through the centuries.

 The symbols under the horizontal bar of the cross are:

  • (right hand side) The double peaks of Mount Ararat, representing the Armenian people and its destiny. Ararat has been the silent witness of the victories as well as defeats of the Armenians through their existence as a people and a nation. Its representation of the A.C.Y.O.A. emblem means that the members of the Organization make the pledge of standing for the ideals for which the Armenian nation has always stood.
  • (left hand side) The United States eagle with its wings widespread and star above each wing. The eagle looks proudly into far distances and holds, as usual a batch of arrows. The eagle represents the United States. Its presence on the A.C.Y.O.A. emblem symbolizes the loyalty of the members of the A.C.Y.O.A. to the Constitution of the United States and to its principles of democracy and freedom.

 The chain that encircles the cross on the emblem represents solidarity among the members of the A.C.Y.O.A. in their service to God and to people.

These symbols are designed on a shield which stands for the determination with which the objects of the A.C.Y.O.A. are to be carried out. The shield also stands for defense against dangerous encroachments.

It will be noted that the dominating feature of the emblem is the cross. This indicates the fact that Christ is our Lord and that to Him we owe obedience above all.



Prayer of the ACYOA:

O Lord our Savior Jesus Christ, Who art the Way, the Truth, and the Life, give us, the youth of the Church of Armenia, we beseech Thee, the wisdom to know, to love, and to serve Thee in our personal lives severally, and in the corporate life of our organization. Thou that leadest men in the way, lead us, thy children, that we may be able to serve the Church through our people, with courage and vision, and in the faith of our illustrious forefathers. Inspire us, O Lord, and open our eyes to thy light, that we may cherish and profit by the heritage which our forefathers have left to us, and that we may be aware of our responsibilities as citizens of our beloved country, the United States of America. Fill us, O Christ our God, with thy Holy Spirit, that we may be the obedient and unselfish servants of the Will of our Heavenly Father, to whom, together with Thee and the Holy Spirit, is befitting Glory, Dominion and Honor, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.





St. Leon Armenian Church
12-61 Saddle River Road ♦ Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: 201-791-2862 Fax: 201-791-1329 Email:


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