St. Leon Armenian Church
Սրբոց Ղեւոնդեանց Հայոց Եկեղեցի
Fair Lawn, New Jersey

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You can conveniently make your donation to St. Leon online.  

 Please click below for access to St Leon's online PayPal processing.  You can use any credit card or your PayPal account, and you may specify a special purpose for your donation if you wish. 

Suggested donation purposes can be:
General fund (leave purpose blank)
Capital Improvement Fund
Other (provide brief description - we will contact you for details) 

IF YOU ARE MEMBER, we will apply your donation to dues outstanding unless you specify otherwise

When finished, you can hit the back tab button until you return to our website, or re-enter the URL in your browser. 

Thank you for supporting St. Leon Armenian Church



St. Leon Armenian Church
12-61 Saddle River Road ♦ Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: 201-791-2862 Fax: 201-791-1329 Email: